Butterfly Pea Flower Benefits (& 5 Methods for Gorgeous Hair!)

bowl of dried Butterfly pea flower

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Dull, slow growing hair? This vibrant, nutrient-packed tea may be the solution you’re looking for. In this post, we’ll cover the butterfly pea flower benefits for hair – from the inside and out!

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It may surprise you to learn that this beautiful, bright blue flower could be made into a tea that could boost your hair health.

Maybe you’re tired of trying every hair product out there in hopes of achieving luscious locks. Perhaps you’re looking for something that will stimulate hair growth, prevent hair loss, or heal scalp issues.

If you want a natural solution for hair growth, and a new favorite beverage to help you with weight loss and healthy skin, try butterfly pea flower tea.

It has surprising benefits for promoting hair growth and improving hair health when used topically. And when you drink it, it benefits your entire body!

Keep reading to find out the 5 simple ways you can use it on your hair, the health benefits of consuming it, and different ways you can incorporate it into your diet.

Whether you want to do a hair mask, a tea rinse or a quick condition, it’s all covered in this post. Here are the benefits of butterfly pea flower, and how it can support your hair growth.

Bright blue butterfly pea flower plant

Butterfly Pea Flower Benefits for Hair

Before we get into the benefits, you might be wondering: what is butterfly pea flower? It’s a plant that is native to Asia, that is rich in nutrients and antioxidants.

Its scientific name is Clitoria ternatea and it has been used as a natural medicinal remedy for hundreds of years. It’s used to treat many ailments, some of which are stress, depression, memory and focus.

It’s also shown to be beneficial for boosting the immune system, and works as a natural beauty product for skin and hair.

Butterfly pea flower can be used in many different ways, and when brewed as a tea, it has a gorgeous blue color!

Here are some of the amazing benefits when applied topically to the hair:

  • Rich source of antioxidants, which help to fight free radicals that can damage the hair follicles
  • Anti-inflammatory, and reduces itching and irritation
  • Increases hydration on the skin, reducing scalp dryness and flakes
  • Contains anthocyanin, which stimulates blood flow to the scalp to encourage hair growth
  • Prevents grey hair
  • Prevents hair loss
  • Anti-microbial properties to help heal skin infections
Dried butterfly pea flower petals in wooden bowl

How to Use Butterfly Pea Flower for Hair

So, how do you use this amazing flower for hair growth and health? Here are 5 awesome methods that you can try today.

1. Butterfly Pea Flower Tea Hair Rinse

Tea rinses are a great way to boost shine and promote hair growth, and they’re very easy to do!

Butterfly pea flower tea recipe:

  1. Brew 1/4 cup of whole dried butterfly pea flowers in 2 cups of water
  2. Steep for 10-15 minutes (for extra potency, you can even leave it for up to several hours or overnight)

Steps to use the tea rinse:

  1. Strain the petals from the water
  2. When cooled, pour the tea over hair and scalp, ensuring that you coat your entire head
    • Set a large mixing bowl underneath your head as you pour, to catch the excess. Reuse it as necessary.
  3. Squeeze out the excess tea and secure the hair
  4. Leave on for 30 minutes
  5. Rinse!

BONUS TIP: You can also keep your brewed tea in a spray bottle, and use it as a scalp spray.

Blue butterfly pea flower powder in glass bowl

2. Butterfly Pea Flower Hair Mask

For this one, we’ll use butterfly pea flower powder. It’s made from the petals of the flower, and this powder can also be consumed in many different ways (we’ll go over that more later on in this post).

Here’s how to make your DIY hair mask:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp of butterfly pea flower powder, 1 tbsp of raw honey and 1 well-mashed banana
    • If needed, add a small amount of water to thin out the consistency
  2. Apply the mixture to detangled, damp hair
  3. Cover with a plastic cap and leave on for 30-45 minutes
  4. Rinse, shampoo and condition

If your hair has a lot of product buildup, shampoo first and apply the mask on damp hair.

3. Butterfly Pea Flower Hair Oil

This DIY hair oil is amazing to add shine and softness to the hair. We’ll use the flower petals to infuse an oil that we can use in a few different ways:

  • as a hot oil treatment
  • after a wash to seal the ends of your hair
  • as a daily hair moisturizer as part of your night time hair care routine

How to make it:

  1. Add 1/2 cup of whole dried butterfly pea flowers to a jar
  2. With the oil of your choice, fill the jar enough to cover the flowers
  3. Secure the lid on the jar, and keep in a dark place for 2-4 weeks
  4. When it’s ready, strain the flowers from the oil
  5. Your DIY hair growth oil is ready to use!

Wondering which oil to use for this recipe? There are tons of amazing oils you can use. This post lists 9 of the best oils for low porosity hair, and here is a post all about soybean oil.

If you’re interested in coconut oil this post is for you, and I have a couple of other posts with info about jojoba oil and castor oil.

Bright blue fresh butterfly pea flower petals

4. Boost Your Shampoo

This one is quick and easy, and will help you get a little scalp exfoliation in on wash day!

  • Add 1/2-1 tsp of butterfly pea flower powder to your shampoo
  • Be sure to massage the scalp well
  • Rinse and condition

5. Extra Hydrating Conditioner

To add an extra boost of hydration to your conditioner:

  • After shampooing, mix 1 tsp of butterfly pea flower powder with your conditioner
  • Apply the mixture to the mid lengths and ends of your hair
  • Leave on for 3-5 minutes while you shower
  • Rinse
Two mugs of brewed blue butterfly pea tea

Fun fact: Butterfly pea flower tea will change from its blue hue to a stunning purple color if you squeeze a bit of lemon in it!

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Butterfly Pea Flower Tea Benefits: General Health

Healthy hair starts from the inside, so it’s important to include a lot of vitamins and minerals in our diet.

Butterfly pea flower is rich in many vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, Vitamins A and C.

It has amazing benefits for your general health. Here’s what else it can do for you:

  • Helps improve digestion
  • Anti-inflammatory, reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease
  • Promotes healthy vision
  • Encourages collagen production for healthy radiant skin
  • Helps heal respiratory issues, helpful for asthma and coughs
  • Helps to support weight loss
  • Stabilizes blood sugar levels

There are so many simple ways you can use butterfly pea flower in your diet. You can of course drink the tea either hot or iced. Here are some great ways to use it in powder form:

  • Added to baked goods
  • Blended in smoothies
  • As a natural food dye for desserts
  • Added to oatmeal and cereals
  • In lemonades, and mocktails/cocktails
  • Mixed with ice cream or yogurt
  • Mixed with honey and spread on toast
  • Made into a latte


Does butterfly pea flower have collagen?

Butterfly pea flower doesn’t contain collagen, but it does have anti-glycation properties that support your own collagen production for healthy, glowing skin.

Does butterfly pea tea have caffeine?

Butterfly pea flower tea is caffeine free! So you can drink it at any time of day without worrying about getting the jitters or staying up too late.

What are the cons of butterfly pea flower?

It is generally safe to use, though it is possible that you could experience side effects like stomach aches or nausea if you consume an excessive amount.

If you have a medical condition or are pregnant, check with your doctor to ensure it’s safe for you to ingest.

Adding butterfly pea flower into your hair care routine and diet are fun and easy ways to boost your hair health, and benefit your entire body. Have you tried it yet?

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