20 Winter Hair Care Tips for Healthy, Frizz-Free Hair

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Want to find out how to get hydrated, static-free hair in cold weather? In this post, we’ll cover 20 of the best winter hair care tips that you DON’T want to skip this winter!

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If you live in a place with a chilly winter, then I’m sure you’ve experienced what that season can do to your hair and scalp.

While the snowy season can look pretty and picturesque from inside your cozy home, those harsh temperatures can wreak havoc on your strands as soon as you step outside.

You can experience so many hair issues – from static and frizz, to dry ends and breakage. Not to mention the dreaded dry winter scalp!

Even though this can feel frustrating to deal with if you’re trying to grow healthy hair or heal existing damage, there are things you can do to minimize the effects of the harsh elements on your hair.

If you’ve been wondering, “How do I keep my hair from drying out in the winter?” you’re in the right place.

It’s important to adjust your hair care according to the season so that you can make sure your hair stays smooth, moisturized and strong.

Whether you want to switch up your hair tools or try a different product in your winter hair routine, you’ll find a ton of ideas in this post. Keep on reading for 20 amazing winter hair care tips (plus, one extra bonus tip!).

20 Easy Winter Hair Care Tips

You may notice that your hair and scalp (and skin!) feel dry in the wintertime. So, why is that?

In the winter, the low level of moisture in the air can lead to your skin and hair drying out more easily than in seasons when there’s a high amount of moisture in the air.

You may also find that because of this dryness, your scalp isn’t producing as much oil as it seems to in more humid climates.

Your hair can also end up looking and feeling dull and rough because of the cuticle layer being lifted from environmental stressors.

This can happen from the combination of dry air and factors such as your hair being exposed to harsh wind, hats made of rough fabrics, or heat styling.

So, follow these tips to help combat dryness and the many other hair issues that we all tend to face in the winter.

Also, don’t get overwhelmed – you don’t have to do every single one! Pick a few and see how they work for you.

1. Pre-Wash Oil Treatment

Using oil as a pre-wash (or pre-poo) treatment is a great way to help soften the hair, smooth the cuticles, and strengthen the hair shaft. Check out this post on how to pre-poo your hair.

Try these oils if you have low porosity or fine hair, and these if you’re dealing with hair loss.

For extra deep nourishment for the hair, you can warm up the oil and do hot oil treatments and even add a few drops of essential oil to the mix.

2. Scalp Massage

Scalp massage is amazing for boosting blood circulation to the scalp, which promotes healthy hair growth. It’s also a nice and relaxing thing to do if you’re feeling stressed.

You can use a scalp massage brush, or just your fingertips (use the pad of your fingers, avoid scratching with your nails).

For a deep treatment to really cleanse and rejuvenate your scalp, try this as part of your own at home Japanese scalp treatment.

wooden hair brushes for winter hair care

3. Switch to Wooden Hair Tools

Instead of your typical plastic combs and brushes, try swapping them for wooden hair tools. Wooden hair brushes and combs are good for hair because they help distribute your scalp’s natural oil through your hair, helping to prevent your hair from drying out.

They are also especially nice to use in the winter because they can prevent static hair that you’ll often experience with other combs and hair brushes.

You can also try ditching plastic hair clips and regular hair elastics for wooden hair sticks.

4. Exfoliate Your Scalp

It’s important to exfoliate your scalp regularly to remove flakes, dead skin, and buildup on the scalp. How do you exfoliate your scalp? You can do it one of two ways – either manually with a scrub, or with a chemical exfoliant.

Yup, it’s just like exfoliating your face. For manual scrubs, you can try a DIY Epsom salt scrub, a scrub with ground bee pollen, or coffee scrub.

The chemical exfoliants you use in your skincare routine can be used on your scalp too – try leaving a glycolic acid toner on your scalp for 10-15 minutes before rinsing and shampooing.

5. Use Hair Masks & Bond Builders

Hair masks are key for delivering deep moisture and strength to the hair. If you have weak strands, use treatments that focus on repairing and strengthening the hair. Protein masks and bond builders are great for this!

For dry hair, focus on masks that will give your hair the hydration it needs. If you have pretty balanced, normal hair, you can alternate between the type of mask you use each time.

If DIY hair masks are your thing, you could try mayonnaise masks, or clay masks (this one’s great for defining curly hair). Use a mask on your hair at least once a week in the winter, or on every wash day.

For very dry, damaged and/or coarse hair, try using a butter (like shea or mango butter) as a deep treatment.

6. Blow Dry on Low Heat

I think we all know that heat isn’t great for our hair. And when the air is already dry, the last thing we want to do is dry our hair out more.

So if you’re blow drying your hair regularly, you’ll want to avoid using the high heat setting and only blow dry on low heat.

To minimize your blow dry time, try air drying until your hair is halfway dry, then going in with your blow dryer to finish it.

7. Use a Serum or Oil for Flyaways

As mentioned earlier, oils provide a lot of benefits for hair. They help strengthen the hair shaft and protect the strands, and reduce frizz. Store bought serums are another easy way to smooth down flyaways and frizzy hair.

Whichever one you choose, take a small amount and rub it between your palms, then smooth it over your dry hair – easy peasy!

8. Wear Silk or Satin Under Hats

Silk and satin are much gentler on the hair than the fabrics that winter hats are typically made of.

You can either buy silk or satin lined winter hats (or line them yourself if you’re crafty!), or simply wear a bonnet underneath your hats.

You’ll prevent friction, damage and breakage by protecting your hair underneath your beanies and hats. Plus, it’ll add another layer to keep you warm.

9. Use a Humidifier

Try using a humidifier for hair if you’re feeling the effects of dry winter air. This will add moisture back into the air, preventing your hair from drying out and keeping your hair feeling soft.

Using a humidifier is great for your skin too, and will reduce that tight, dry feeling you get on your scalp and skin during the winter.

10. Don’t Go Outside With Wet Hair

If you follow any of these hair tips for cold weather, make it this one! Do not go outside if your hair is wet – not even damp. Your hair can freeze and snap off! (seriously, I’ve seen it happen)

Make sure your hair is completely dry before spending time in freezing temperatures.

11. Trim Split Ends

We’ve all heard this before, we’re supposed to trim our hair regularly. But seriously, if you have split ends – cut them! If they’re not cut off, split ends continue to get worse.

They keep splitting even further up the hair shaft, causing more damage. As much you may want to keep your hair long, holding on to scraggly split ends does more harm than good in the long run.

silk pillowcase for hair in winter

12. Sleep On a Silk or Satin Pillowcase

Sleeping on silk and satin pillowcases is an easy way to prevent frizz, breakage, and dry hair.

These two fabrics are smooth and won’t cause as much friction as other pillowcase fabrics tend to, resulting in fewer tangles and less frizzy hair. They allow your hair to retain its moisture, and your skin too!

13. Avoid Wearing Your Hair Loose

If you have tangle-prone hair like I do, it becomes a complete mess in the wind. A big part of my winter hair care is keeping my hair in protective styles.

Before any outdoor winter activities, keep your hair secure in styles like a braid, bun or twists. Tuck it inside your coat or up under your hat so it’s not exposed to the elements and it can stay protected.

14. Do Hair Rinses

To minimize frizz and keep hair shiny, you’ll want to keep the hair cuticles as smooth as you can.

You can do this by using a DIY apple cider vinegar rinse after shampooing.

Other awesome hair rinses to use are herbal tea rinses (have you tried butterfly pea flower tea?).

And if you want to boost hair growth too, you can try rice water or rosemary water – you’ll find the recipes in both of those posts.

15. Don’t Wash Hair With Hot Water

Keeping with the theme of low heat, when washing your hair you’ll want to avoid using hot water. I know, I know, we all love our steamy hot showers.

But this can dry out your hair and scalp, leading to more scalp flakes, split ends, and dull, crispy-feeling hair. So wash your hair with warm, not hot water.

16. Switch Your Shampoo

Your summertime shampoo might be a little too harsh for the winter months.

Try switching out your shampoo to a sulfate-free or a hydrating one, to prevent your hair from being stripped of moisture. If you use a clarifying shampoo, try using it less often in the winter.

Consider using a medicated or anti-dandruff shampoo if your scalp needs it. And for a gentle DIY shampoo option, you can try making your own shampoo.

And make sure that whichever product you use, that it’s not expired! Using old shampoo can leave you with buildup that makes your hair greasy and limp.

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17. Avoid Chemical Treatments

Chemical treatments such as dye and relaxer cause damage to the hair shaft. The hair cuticles lift, and the hair can be left feeling rough and dry.

When it comes to winter hair care for relaxed hair, try reducing how often you’re getting your hair done.

Especially in the colder months, getting your hair chemically treated less often can help keep your hair looking and feeling healthier.

18. Stay Hydrated

Winter hair care includes staying hydrated, and healthy hair really starts from the inside out. So keep your hydration levels up by drinking enough water every day.

If water is boring to you (I get it, same here), add more tea, broth, and soups to your diet. Be sure to get plenty of water-rich fruits and vegetables into your meals too.

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19. Avoid Hot Tools

Hot tools like flat irons and curling wands are intense for your hair. They deliver a high degree of heat, which can cause a ton of damage and make your hair feel ultra dry.

Avoid hot tools and experiment with heatless hairstyles to prevent getting split ends. For waves and curls you can leave your hair in braids, twists or heatless hair curlers overnight.

When you do use hot tools, always use a heat protectant!

20. Use a Microfiber Hair Towel

Regular towels can be rough on your hair. Hair is very fragile when it’s wet, so you want to be extra gentle after you wash it.

Try using a microfiber hair towel on wash days, because they’re gentler on the hair and won’t cause as much friction.

Bonus Tip! Condition Every Time You Wash

This is an absolute must in your winter hair care routine. Every time you shampoo, always follow up with a conditioner.

Conditioner helps smooth the hair cuticle, reduce frizz and adds moisture into the hair.

It reduces friction between the hair strands and gives your hair slip, so you can detangle without causing a ton of breakage and split ends.

Change up your hair care routine in winter and try a few of these cold weather hair tips to keep your hair healthy all winter long.

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