Easy Guide: How to Use Collagen for Hair and Skin

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Want to grow your hair faster, get rid of fine lines and get glowing skin? Today you’ll learn how to use collagen for hair and skin, and find out what the best collagen is to get the ultimate glow up.

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There are certain supplements that I swear by for hair growth and radiant skin, and collagen is one of them.

Taking collagen changed my skin and hair.

If you’re struggling with fine lines/wrinkles, or weak hair that breaks, you need to learn about this amazing supplement!

Collagen can help you get longer, stronger hair. Smooth, glowing skin. Even longer lashes (eyelashes are hair too!).

This stuff works and it can make a HUGE difference as part of your hair growth routine.

So if your hair won’t grow, your skin looks dull, or you’ve got signs of aging, this post is going teach you:

  • What collagen is
  • What types of collagen there are
  • Why you should take collagen
  • How to use collagen for hair and skin

Ready to finally reach your hair length goals? Here’s all about how to use collagen for hair and skin.

What Is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein formed from amino acids, most notably glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and arginine.

It’s the most abundant protein in our bodies, but the body’s ability to produce collagen diminishes with age.

This can contribute to fine lines, reduced elasticity in your hair and skin, and a slowing of the hair growth cycle.

Since the collagen in your body reduces as you get older, it can be very helpful to take a supplement to prevent thinning hair and fine lines.

Collagen is found in skin, cartilage, connective tissue, tendons, and bones, so you can also get it from some consuming some animal based foods.

Collagen supplements are typically either marine (made from fish), or bovine (made from cows).

While you can get results from either one, marine collagen is more bioavailable than bovine. This means that it is absorbed more efficiently into the body.

The Types of Collagen

There are almost 30 types of collagen that have been identified in the human body. These are the main 3 that are in our bodies, and what you’ll see in most supplements:

Type I: The type that makes up 90% of the collagen in our bodies. It gives structure and strength to bones, skin, tendons and ligaments.

Type II: Gives structure to our cartilage and provides joint support.

Type III: Found in your muscles, internal organs, ligaments and blood vessels.

Which kind should you take? They can all give you great results, but types I and III are especially good for hair skin and nails, while type II is best if your focus is joint health.

two bottles labeled "collagen drink"

Benefits of Collagen for Hair

Collagen plays an important role in promoting hair growth and strength. It does so by strengthening the hair follicles, improving hair shaft quality, and influences the anagen phase (the period of active hair growth).

Collagen intake helps by providing amino acids that are essential for the production of keratin, the protein that hair is made of.

How Collagen Can Help Your Hair:

  • Strengthens the hair shaft, prevents your hair from breakage and split ends
  • Accelerates hair growth
  • Supports hair elasticity
  • Improves hair thickness and density
  • Prevents thinning hair as you age
  • With its antioxidants, prevents free radicals from damaging the hair follicles (this can lead to hair loss and premature greying)

Benefits of Collagen for Skin

Want to get glowing skin naturally? Collagen helps in minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and dryness, keeping the skin looking youthful and hydrated.

It gives our skin elasticity, firmness, and the ability to retain its original shape.

By maintaining and increasing collagen levels, you can reduce the appearance of sagging skin.

Also, collagen’s role in cell renewal and repair is critical in maintaining the skin’s resilience against environmental stressors.

How Collagen Can Help Your Skin:

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Increases hydration
  • Promotes elasticity and skin firmness
  • Gives you a glow!

What Are the Other Benefits of Collagen?

Joint Health

Collagen is a key component in the cartilage tissue that cushions the joints and help to maintain flexibility and prevent joint deterioration.

With age, the body’s ability to produce collagen decreases, which can lead to increased joint stiffness and discomfort.

Supplementing with collagen can support joint function and enhance overall mobility.

Nail Strength

Along with our hair, our nails are also made from keratin. Collagen provides the amino acids that are necessary for building keratin, and helps support nail growth.

Taking collagen can help build strong, long nails and prevent brittle nails that break and peel easily.

Gut Health

Research suggests that collagen may help reinforce the protective lining of the digestive tract. This is important because a compromised gut lining can lead to various digestive issues.

By helping the repair the intestinal lining, collagen could play a large role in preventing gut-related problems and ensuring a healthy, functioning digestive system.

It’s extremely important to get enough amino acids to support your gut health, and collagen is a great dietary source.

Best Collagen for Hair Growth, Anti-Aging & Nail Growth

AGENT NATEUR Holi(mane) Hair Skin & Nails Marine Collagen

This marine collagen is easily absorbed, and helps to increase hair and nail growth, and minimize wrinkles.

It also contains pearl powder to stimulate collagen production and cell regeneration, for plump looking skin.

IMAGE Skincare Daily Collagen Supplement

Along with collagen, this easily-digestible liquid supplement contains hyaluronic acid, Vitamin C, biotin, and other powerful beauty-boosting ingredients.

You can get all of the anti-aging benefits in just a couple of sips!

Best Collagen for Vegans & Vegetarians

Alurx Collagen Support Effervescent Tablets

These easy to use tablets dissolve into water and contain Vitamin C, and skin-supporting ingredients like grapeseed extract, bilberry and elderberry.

This will help support your body in producing its own collagen.

Grande Cosmetics Vegan Collagen Booster Gummy

These hair skin and nails gummies contain several nutrients, some of which are: Vitamins A, E and C.

They also contain a collagen boosting blend that includes amino acids and silica (which is AMAZING for hair and nail growth!).

Lifestyle Tips to Prevent Collagen Loss

While we can’t stop ourselves from aging, there are some things that contribute to the premature breakdown of collagen.

Your diet and lifestyle play a huge role in the health of your hair and skin, and certain behaviors can speed up the loss of collagen.

  • Don’t smoke, and avoid secondhand smoke
  • Avoid processed sugars and refined carbs, as they promote the breakdown of collagen
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Consume enough vitamin C, to support your body’s production of collagen
  • Always wear sunscreen, and don’t go tanning
  • Make sure you get enough protein and foods rich in micronutrients (like fruits and vegetables) in your daily diet

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Collagen FAQ’s

Are there side effects from collagen?

Collagen is quite safe and typically doesn’t come with negative side effects. If you have a medical condition, are taking medications or are unsure if you can consume it, check with your doctor.

How long does it take to see results?

Not very long! Give it at least 4-8 weeks of taking collagen daily. In my experience, I noticed a difference in my skin within that time frame.

Can you take collagen if you’re vegan?

Collagen is an animal product, so it would not be suitable for vegans. For a plant-based alternative, there are vegan collagen supplements. These supplements will help support your body to produce collagen.

Who shouldn’t take collagen?

Those with an allergy to fish should avoid marine collagen. If you have allergies to animal products, make sure to check the product label to determine if it’s suitable for you.

What’s the best time to take collagen?

You can take collagen at any time. To make sure you’re consistent, try taking it at the same time every day so it’s a part of your routine.

Collagen for Skin, Hair & Nails

Collagen is the ultimate glow up supplement. Now that you know all about it, give it a try and watch your skin glow and hair grow!

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