Spearmint Oil for Hair: 3 Easy Methods for Fast Growth

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Looking for a new way to boost your hair growth? In this post, we’ll go over the benefits of using spearmint oil for hair, and 3 ways to use it in your hair routine.

bottle of hair growth oil and spearmint leaves with text overlay: "3 easy ways to grow your hair with spearmint oil"

Are you tired of dealing with a flaky and irritated scalp? Do you feel like your hair is growing at a snail’s pace?

For most people who deal with these issues, it can be a struggle to find a natural remedy that gives you the results you want and is easy to use.

If you want to reduce scalp issues and boost your hair growth, then scalp care is a MUST.

Spearmint essential oil is the perfect natural solution and can give amazing results for all hair types.

Spearmint oil is known to reduce dandruff, make your hair feel softer, and help boost hair growth. Here are the benefits of spearmint oil, and 3 simple ways you can add it to your hair care routine.

Spearmint Essential Oil Benefits for Hair

Spearmint oil can provide several benefits for your general health, and some of the advantages of adding it into your hair care routine include:

1: Promotes Healthy Hair Growth

One of the amazing benefits of spearmint oil is that it stimulates the scalp, increasing blood flow which encourages hair growth and prevents hair loss.

It contains vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, B, and C, iron and zinc, helping to strengthen the strands of your hair so you can keep your length!

2: Natural Conditioner

Spearmint oil can work as a natural conditioner, nourishing the hair and making it feel softer and more manageable.

It also decreases frizz, and boosts shine by smoothing the hair. It helps to moisturize the scalp, getting rid of flakes and itchiness.

3: Scalp Health

Spearmint oil contains menthol and has a calming and soothing effect on the scalp. It helps to reduce irritation and dandruff.

It also has antifungal and antibacterial properties, helping to fight any fungi or bacteria that may be causing inflammation.

green spearmint leaves

Always do a patch test when trying a new ingredient for the first time, especially if you are allergy prone or have sensitive skin. If you experience itching, burning or other signs of an allergic reaction, discontinue use and consult a dermatologist.

How to Use Spearmint Oil for Hair: 3 Methods

1: Pre-wash Oil Treatment

Doing an oil treatment before washing your hair is great to add into your routine because it will nourish and soften the hair, and boost your shine.

You’ll want to dilute the spearmint oil with another oil before application, because essential oils are very concentrated and can irritate the skin if they are not diluted.

For ideas on which oils you could use as a carrier oil, check out this post.

  • In a small glass container, mix 2-5 drops of spearmint oil with 2-3 tablespoons of your carrier oil (you may need to use more/less depending on your length)
  • Using your fingertips, apply the oil mixture to your entire scalp (if you have a dye bottle with a nozzle, that will make application even easier)
  • Massage the oil into the scalp and distribute it evenly throughout the rest of your hair
  • Leave it on for 20-30 minutes, then shampoo and condition as you normally would

2: Add To Shampoo

This method is quick and easy!

  • In the palm of your hand, mix 1-3 drops of spearmint oil into your shampoo
  • Massage it into your scalp as you normally would, and leave it on for a minute or two
  • Then rinse, condition, and enjoy your flake-free scalp!

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3: Conditioner Mask

Another super easy method is to do an in-shower mask!

  • After shampooing, add 1-3 drops of spearmint oil into your regular conditioner (if you have really long hair, you can experiment with adding another drop or two)
  • Apply it to your hair and leave it on for a few minutes as you shower, then rinse
pair of hands dropping spearmint essential oil into palm

If you want to try a natural remedy for an irritated scalp or thinning hair, give spearmint oil a try! With regular use, you’ll have healthier, longer and more beautiful hair in no time.

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