How to Get Rid of Lice Naturally In One Day (5 Ways!)

woman with hands in hair, scratching scalp

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Suddenly scratching your head, wondering where those pesky critters came from? This guide will help you learn how to get rid of lice naturally in one day, and prevent future outbreaks.

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woman with hands in hair, scratching scalp with text overlay: "5 simple remedies to get rid of lice naturally in one day"

Having lice sucks.

It’s itchy, very uncomfortable, and just feels gross.

And if you’re an adult, you’re probably super frustrated about it. Isn’t it something only kids get?

Well, unfortunately…you can get lice at any age.

So if you’re suffering and you want to get rid of lice quickly, the remedies in this post will help you banish those little creatures.

Aside from methods to eliminate lice, you’ll also learn:

  • What they do to your scalp & hair
  • How lice get in the way of hair growth
  • How to know if you have lice
  • And WHERE in the world you could have gotten them from!

Here’s your guide on ridding yourself of lice, with 5 natural remedies!

What Are Lice?

Lice are tiny parasitic insects that live on the scalp and feed on human blood (I’ll spare you the images…look it up if you dare!).

They lay their eggs on a person’s head, which then stick to the hair shafts.

When lice feed, they inject a small amount of saliva into the scalp, which can cause a reaction leaving you with pretty intense itching sensations.

Aside from causing uncomfortable itching, they can also have an impact on scalp health and hair growth.

An infestation of lice (also called pediculosis), can lead to scalp irritation and may even cause temporary hair loss.

That’s definitely not what you want when you’re trying to grow your hair long, or maintain the length you have!

What Do Lice Do to Your Hair and Scalp?

  • Lice disrupt the normal hair life cycle by clinging to hair follicles and can lead to fragile, weakened strands
  • Persistent scratching can cause scalp infections, scalp damage and hair loss
  • May lead to a condition known as ‘telogen effluvium,’ where a sudden shock to the system, including stress, leads to a lot of hair shedding

To make sure hair growth isn’t affected, it’s important to get rid of these tiny insects as soon as possible.

How Do You Know If You Have Lice?

First up, the most common tell-tale sign is an itchy scalp, especially if the itchiness becomes more intense after multiple days or weeks.

It’s like your scalp is throwing a party, and unfortunately, lice are the uninvited guests causing all the fuss.

You’ll notice itching everywhere, but especially at the nape of your neck and near your ears. The warmth in those areas makes them attractive to lice.

Secondly, you might notice tiny white dots — you may mistake them for dandruff at first, but they’re lice eggs, also known as nits.

And of course, you’ll know they’re there when you see the lice themselves. Tiny white dots that move quickly = lice.

Where Do Adults Catch Lice?

Close contact with someone who has lice is the most common way it’s transmitted, regardless of age. You can pick up lice in places like:

  • The gym
  • Movie theatres
  • Public transportation
  • Sharing items like hair accessories, hats, scarves and combs with family and friends
  • Hugs and physical contact with people who have lice

How to Get Rid of Lice Naturally in One Day

So here’s how we can get rid of lice at home, fast! We’re mainly going to be using all-natural lice remedies.

Believe it or not, you can find powerful, lice-fighting ingredients right in your kitchen or at your local grocery store.

Natural ingredients are great for combating lice. They’re non-toxic, and often have multiple benefits beyond just killing lice, such as improving scalp health.

Plus, with natural methods you can avoid using harsh chemicals that may cause even more irritation to your scalp.

With all of these methods, be sure to thoroughly wash the tools and towels that you are using for lice removal once you’re done.

wooden comb with bottle of hair oil for lice removal

1) Oil

The first DIY lice treatment is to use an oil.

Oil acts as a smothering agent, making it tough for lice to breathe and cling onto hair. Coating your hair with oil will make it easier to catch and remove them.

With a carrier oil, completely coat all strands of the hair from root to tip. Separate the hair into small sections, and comb through each section to remove the lice.

As you go through the process, keep rinsing the comb under hot water.

Once you’re done combing, follow up with shampoo and conditioner. Repeat this entire process as necessary.

Carrier Oils for Lice Removal

  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Sweet almond oil
  • Grapeseed oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Argan oil

There are many more carrier oils that you could use, these are some of the most popular and easy to find oils.

2) Wet Combing

This method helps to physically remove lice and their eggs from the hair shafts. Begin by thoroughly wetting the hair and applying a leave-in conditioner to add slip to the hair.

You’ll want to use a fine-toothed comb, and divide the hair into small sections before combing.

Starting at the scalp, comb through each section, wiping the comb on a damp cloth after each stroke.

3) Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar. Pour evenly over the hair, saturating the entire head.

This will help to dissolve the glue-like substance that lice use to attach nits to hair, making them easier to comb out.

Divide the hair into small sections, and comb through with a fine-toothed comb, just as described in the previous method.

4) Essential Oils

Mix 10-20 drops of your chosen essential oil with 1/4 cup of a carrier oil. Apply this mixture to your scalp and hair, making sure to coat all of your hair.

Leave it in overnight, then comb through the hair in small sections. Follow up with shampoo and conditioner.

Not only will this essential oils lice treatment help zap those pesky lice, but it’ll also leave your hair smelling amazing and feeling super soft!

Best Essential Oils for Lice and Nits

Always do a patch test when trying a new ingredient for the first time, especially if you are allergy prone or have sensitive skin. If you experience itching, burning or other signs of an allergic reaction, discontinue use and consult a dermatologist.

5) Heat

After treating your hair with one of the previous methods, using heat can help make sure those stubborn lice go away.

The heat from a blow dryer can dehydrate and kill any lice eggs that may have survived the other treatment.

Don’t use this as a standalone treatment though, only as a last step in your lice-removing routine.

To remove a whole head full of lice, you’d need to use the blow dryer for quite a while, and it’d get painful!

To avoid reinfestation, wash all bedding, clothing, and personal items in hot water.

For items that can’t be washed in hot water, seal them in a plastic bag for two weeks to suffocate lice.

It’s also a good idea to vacuum furniture and car upholstery thoroughly to remove any stray lice or nits.

Preventing Lice as an Adult

Prevention is just as important as the cure, and here are several things you can do to make sure you avoid lice.

  • Regular scalp checks
  • Include scalp treatments, such as hair rinses with essential oils as part of your hair routine
  • Don’t share combs, brushes, or hats with other people
  • Use shampoos and conditioners made with natural insecticides like neem, rosemary, or thyme
  • Be cautious in public places where you may have contact with seats/headrests

See a Medical Professional If…

  • You have swelling on your scalp
  • You have sores on your scalp that aren’t healing
  • You have pain on your scalp
  • You are having difficulty getting rid of lice on your own

Natural Lice Treatments at Home

Lice infestations are uncomfortable and can have unwanted effects on hair health and growth. Try these methods next time you need to remove lice from your hair…permanently!

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