Thinning Hair? Here’s the Best Carrier Oil for Hair Loss

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What’s the best carrier oil for hair loss? In this post you’ll get a list of 10 amazing oils you can use to combat thinning hair, and instructions on how to use them in your hair care routine.

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I think you’ll agree with me when I say that hair loss is no fun.

Whether your hair has been thinning for a while, or you’re experiencing sudden hair loss, it can be difficult to deal with.

So, what can you do?

Adding carrier oils into your hair care routine can be a great way to help get your full tresses back.

If you’re looking for something to combat hair loss that’s natural and easy to use, keep on reading. Here are 10 of the best carrier oils for hair loss, and how to use them.

How to Choose the Best Carrier Oil for Hair Loss

Before we go into the list of carrier oils for hair, it’s important to consider the cause of the hair loss.

Is it stress, hormone changes from pregnancy, alopecia, or thinning hair due to genetics as you age?

If there are lifestyle factors that are contributing to your thinning hair, consider the habits and aspects of your hair health that you have some control over.

Take the steps to address the underlying cause in the ways that you can, whether it’s balancing your hormones or reducing stress.

hair growth oils and wooden comb

What are Carrier Oils?

So, what are carrier oils? They are plant oils made from the nuts and seeds from plants. They have been used for many years for skin and hair, and provide a ton of benefits when used externally.

Carrier oils can be used on their own, but they’re also great for acting as a base oil to add essential oils into.

The carrier oil allows you to dilute essential oils so that they can be used safely on the skin.

Carrier oils can also be mixed with each other, so there are endless combinations of oils you can try. 

When choosing the best carrier oil for hair loss, it’s important to consider your hair type. For example, if you have fine hair strands, you may find heavier oils like castor oil to be too heavy, and difficult to wash out.

In that case, you may want to mix a small amount of castor oil into an oil with a thinner consistency. Or if you want to keep it simple, you can just stick to the more lightweight oils.

What are the Benefits of Carrier Oils for Hair?

Here are some of the amazing things carrier oils can do when used on the hair and scalp:

  • Stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles, encouraging new growth
  • Contain fatty acids that nourish the hair strand and follicles
  • Decrease dryness by delivering moisture to the hair
  • Smooth the hair cuticles, reducing frizz and adding shine
  • Protect the hair from environmental damage
  • Improve elasticity, preventing brittleness and breakage – very important for keeping your length!
  • Reduce scalp irritation, itchiness, and flakes

Experiment with the oils in this post, and see which ones your hair likes the best!

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The Best Carrier Oils for Hair Loss

Now, let’s go over 10 of the best carrier oils to use if you want to regrow your hair! These oils have so many benefits for the hair and scalp, and when used regularly, can help you restore your gorgeous locks.

Many of these oils have very similar benefits and properties, and you really can’t go wrong with any of them.

When purchasing your oil, be sure to look for organic, unrefined and cold-pressed oils. These oils retain their nutrients and antioxidants in the extraction process so they will give you the best results possible for your hair.

In the next section, we’ll go over how you can use the oils to grow your hair.

1. Pumpkin Seed Oil

Pumpkin seed oil contains fatty acids, vitamins and minerals to nourish the hair and scalp. It has been shown to block DHT, which is a hormone that is linked to hair loss.

It has antifungal and antibacterial properties, to help heal scalp issues. You can also ingest pumpkin seed oil to boost hair growth from the inside out! It has a medium consistency, so it’s great for all hair types.

2. Moringa Oil

Moringa oil is rich in fatty acids, very moisturizing for the hair and scalp, and has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to increase blood flow to the scalp, which encourages hair growth.

It’s a rich source of antioxidants, which fight free radicals that can cause damage to hair follicles.

Fushi Moringa Seed Oil

moringa oil for hair growth

3. Argan Oil

Argan oil contains fatty acids and vitamin E which has antioxidant properties. With it’s anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties, it’s great for healing the scalp.

It’s also an effective oil for reducing frizz, adding shine, and helping to protect the hair from external damage.

Fushi Organic Virgin Argan Oil

argan oil for hair growth

4. Sweet Almond Oil

Sweet almond oil is full of Vitamin E, antioxidants and proteins to help strengthen the hair. It aids in preventing damage to the hair follicles from free radicals, and reduces breakage. It smooths the hair shaft, reducing frizz and making hair look shinier.

Fushi Organic Sweet Almond Oil

sweet almond oil for hair loss

5. Safflower Oil

Safflower oil helps to keep the hair and scalp moisturized, preventing brittleness and breakage from dryness. It stimulates blood circulation in the scalp to promote hair growth, and has been used as a treatment for hair loss.

It’s also great for increasing shine, and making hair feel softer. With its antioxidant properties it helps to fight against free radicals, and is a fantastic oil for reducing dandruff and get rid of flakes.

6. Coconut Oil

One of the most popular oils for hair, coconut oil is awesome for strengthening the hair, and protecting it from UV damage. It prevents protein loss, so that the hair can resist breakage. It moisturizes, adds softness, and makes hair shiny.

If you’re finding that regular coconut oil doesn’t absorb well into your hair, you may want to try fractionated coconut oil, as it can absorb easier into the hair shaft.

JASON Smoothing Coconut Oil for Skin, Hair and Nails

7. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is rich in vitamin E so it has antioxidant properties, as well as anti-inflammatory properties.

It is terrific for the scalp! Jojoba oil is similar to the sebum our scalp naturally produces, and it can help regulate your scalp’s oil production. It’s very soothing, and can help heal scalp ailments. If you have an especially sensitive scalp, this oil is worth a try.

Fushi Organic Jojoba Oil

jojoba oil for hair growth

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8. Castor Oil

Castor oil is probably the first oil that comes to mind when you think of hair growth. Many people consider it to be the best carrier oil for hair loss. It’s very thick, so unless you have coarse hair, you’ll probably want to mix it with another carrier oil to thin out the consistency.

It’s great for damaged hair because it helps to repair the hair, and protect it from further damage. This is a must-try oil if you want to restore the health of overly processed or chemically treated hair, or are in need of intense moisture. Can’t decide between jojoba oil and castor oil? Check out this post.

9. Avocado Oil

Avocado oil is amazing for the scalp. It helps to calm irritation, flakes and dandruff, and it can help boost blood circulation to the scalp.

It’s very moisturizing for the scalp and hair, so you can avoid breakage due to dryness. This one is especially great for those with finer strands, as it has a lightweight consistency and doesn’t leave a greasy feel.

10. Rosehip Oil

Rosehip oil is rich in vitamin C and fatty acids. It helps to hydrate the scalp so it’s a great choice for those dealing with dandruff, flakes and dryness. It also has anti-inflammatory properties to heal other scalp issues you may be experiencing.

Its antioxidants help to fight free radicals that may damage the hair follicles and prevent healthy hair growth. This is another awesome lightweight oil that absorbs really well into the hair and scalp, so it doesn’t leave your hair feeling heavy and greasy.

Fushi Organic Rosehip Oil

rosehip oil for hair growth

Always do a patch test when trying a new ingredient for the first time, especially if you are allergy prone or have sensitive skin. If you experience itching, burning or other signs of an allergic reaction, discontinue use and consult a dermatologist.

How to Use Carrier Oils for Hair Loss

Now, let’s get into how you can use these oils in your hair care routine!

  1. Mix 1 part of each of your chosen oils together (or, simply use one oil). Start with 2-3 tablespoons of oil, and adjust the amount based on your hair.
  2. On damp hair, apply the oil evenly to the scalp (and to the lengths of your hair if desired)
  3. Gently massage the scalp, using either your fingertips or a scalp massaging tool for 5-10 minutes
  4. Cover the hair with a plastic cap, and leave the oil on for 30 minutes
  5. Shampoo and condition (you may have to shampoo twice to remove all of the oil)

NOTE: For an extra boost, warm up the oil before application to make it a hot oil treatment!

So what’s the absolute #1 best carrier oil for hair loss and regrowth? The one that you actually use!

It’s important to be consistent with scalp and hair care to see results, so choose the carrier oil that you enjoy the most and stick with it. With regular use, you’ll see your hair flourish!

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