10 Surprising Benefits of a Shower Filter for Hair

shower head filter benefits

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Is your shower water ruining your hair? In this post, you’ll learn the benefits of a shower filter for hair (and skin!) and why you need one for healthy hair.

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the benefits of a shower filter for hair and soft skin
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It might sound a little unbelievable that a shower head could affect the health of your hair.

For a lot of us with dry, brittle or damaged hair, we focus a lot on the hair care products we use.

And while hair products are a BIG factor of the health of your hair…there might be a missing piece in your hair care routine.

The water you wash your hair with could be contributing to buildup, rough feeling strands that look dull, and a dry scalp.

If those things sound familiar, a shower head filter can save your hair. Adding a shower filter can have a big impact on the health of your hair and scalp, and the skin on the rest of your body!

Whether you’ve got dry hair, an itchy scalp, or are looking for tips to make your hair softer, I’ve got you covered. Here’s why using a shower filter could help completely revamp your hair.

split ends and damaged hair

What is a Shower Filter?

To begin with, let’s talk about what a shower filter is. A shower head filter is a device that attaches to your shower pipe.

It is a water filtration system that removes impurities such as odors, dirt, sediment and chlorine from your shower water.

That waste and chlorine can strip your hair and skin of their natural oils, leaving you feeling dry all over.

These elements can result in your scalp and skin looking flaky, and feeling tight (what an uncomfy feeling, right?).

Improving your water quality can help solve these issues so that you can have healthier hair and skin.

best shower head filter to make your hair softer

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The Benefits of a Shower Filter for Hair

Using a shower filter can:

  1. Make your hair feel softer and less brittle
  2. Prevent buildup that causes dullness, making your hair look shinier
  3. Reduce split ends and breakage
  4. Reduce scalp flakes, dryness and irritation
  5. Allow your skin to keep its natural oils, so you stay moisturized from head to toe
  6. Reduce frizz, and help hair to feel smoother
  7. Remove sediment and impurities in your water, which leaves your hair feeling cleaner and refreshed
  8. Reduce acne, by preventing blocked pores and mineral buildup
  9. Promote hydrated, healthier hair
  10. Reduce eczema and flaky skin

As you can see, there are many benefits of a shower filter, and using one is a great investment in your hair care and overall body care.

If you’re struggling with dry, stripped hair and skin, try switching to a filter for an improvement in your moisture levels.

Do you have scalp or skin conditions? A shower filter that removes harsh impurities can help your skin heal and prevent those conditions from getting worse.

This shower head filter by T3 is the best shower head filter to reduce free chlorine, to help your hair look and feel soft, shiny and healthy.

T3 Source Shower Head

best shower filter for hair loss

It removes dirt, odors, iron oxide, and hydrogen sulfide so you can protect your hair from dryness and damage.

It has 7 premium spray settings, and there’s a hand held version if you prefer a more flexible option. Both shower heads are easy to install!

T3 Source Handheld Showerhead

best shower filter for hair

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The filter inside the shower head will need to be replaced periodically to ensure that it continues to do its job and keep your water clean.

The filter lasts 6 months, or 10, 000 gallons (there’s a visual indicator so you’ll know when it’s time.


Can a shower filter affect hair growth?

Reducing scalp irritation, dryness and buildup are all factors that can help promote healthy hair growth.

A healthy scalp provides an ideal environment for hair to grow, so improving the condition of your scalp can encourage hair growth.

Chlorine can also weaken hair strands and cause breakage. So even though your hair is growing, you may not see the length increasing because it’s breaking off!

Using a shower filter can make your hair softer and get rid of brittleness that’s causing breakage.

Are shower head filters good for you?

Yes! Shower filters remove impurities and chlorine from your shower water, making the water cleaner.

As a result, your hair and skin are left feeling clean, but still moisturized. If you’re experiencing dry or dull hair and skin, try using a filter to avoid being stripped of your natural oils.

Chlorine can also contribute to acne and eczema, so reducing it in your water can help fight these skin conditions.

Are there benefits of a shower filter for hair loss?

Chlorine and other pollutants can have an effect on scalp conditions that may be causing hair loss. In this case, reducing the irritation can help heal your scalp and lessen hair loss.

Want to know how to make your hair softer and shinier? Upgrade your hair care routine with a shower filter to promote healthier, softer hair and skin.

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